Black Rhino

Species Overview:
Common Name: Black Rhino
Scientific Name: Diceros bicornis
Region: Africa
Physical Description: A large herbivore with two horns, known for its aggressive behavior and poor eyesight.

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Black Rhino

Scientific Name: Diceros bicornis

Behavior and Ecology: Solitary animals that primarily browse on bushes and trees.

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered. Poaching for their horns remains a significant threat.

Interesting Facts: Despite their name, black rhinos are actually gray in color.

Eastern Gorilla

Species Overview:
Common Name: Eastern Gorilla
Scientific Name: Gorilla beringei
Region: Africa
Physical Description: The largest living primates, with thick black fur and a highly social structure.

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Eastern Gorilla

Scientific Name: Gorilla beringei

Behavior and Ecology: Highly social, living in family groups led by a dominant male called a silverback.

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered due to poaching and habitat destruction.

Interesting Facts: They share 98% of their DNA with humans.

African Forest Elephant

Species Overview:
Common Name: African Forest Elephant
Scientific Name: Loxodonta cyclotis
Region: Africa
Physical Description: Smaller than the savanna elephant, with straighter tusks and a more rounded appearance.

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African Forest Elephant

Scientific Name: Loxodonta cyclotis

Behavior and Ecology: Inhabit dense forests, playing a critical role in seed dispersal and forest regeneration.

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered due to poaching for ivory and habitat loss.

Interesting Facts: They communicate using low-frequency rumbles that can travel long distances through the ground.


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